Part I.
The way it is
This is the first post of a multi-part blog series on the story of how Ophis came to be and how it will impact society on a global scale in the not too distant future. Before I tell that story let me share with you my opinion of the World we live in today as it relates to income inequality, and social behavior. It's my reason Ophis exists and it answers a question I couldn't answer for 14 years, it is I believe, the reason and purpose of my existence.
Research shows me that around 80% of the adult citizens of the United States have been programmed into buying in to one of two (seemingly on the surface) opposing viewpoints. Either direction people are swayed, extremism that takes root on either side of the equation is not a world you would want your children to grow up in.
It doesn't take much common sense to realize that the US system of democracy is demonstrably an A/B choice of a limited view of the American dream. As Americans we spend our lives living under a pendulum that swings all the way to the left and then all the way back to the right, pausing ever so briefly mid-swing. Sometimes the pendulum can become stuck in one direction or the other for up to 24 years! If that were to happen in this 21st century world we find ourselves in today, who knows what the reaction would be from those that feel marginalized.
This A/B form of representative government has failed to sufficiently evolve since its inception and is now a clear and abject failure. At the very least, how can you have your opinion, wants or needs represented by an elected official who spends the vast majority of their time, not just outside of the office, but outside of their constituency, as they play the game in Washington D.C.?
At its very worst, your views might not be represented at all as elected officials are pressured to pander to the people who spent the money to put them in office. Or cave to the influences of the hundreds of special interest groups, PACS and Superpacs, that dominate modern politics? How is that taking care of you and your family?
More than 20% of Adult Americans, who do not readily accept the media narrative from either side, and whose opinions probably cover both sides of the midline depending on the topic, are not represented at all. That's right around 56.166 million adults, add in another 10% - 15% who have one foot in the center and the other in the left or right, and you can see how disconnected the common person has become from the political process.
If you think that describes you and consider yourself capable of critical thinking, open mindedness, and a willingness to change position, when presented with compelling and overwhelming evidence contrary to what you understood to be true. If you have genuine compassion and empathy for those less fortunate than you and that's your honest assessment of yourself, then you have found yourself right now in this minute, exactly where you need to be.
If on the other hand you already find yourself dismissing this as nonsense, Bull Shit, the ramblings of a lunatic etcetera, then I sincerely hope that whatever brings you comfort continues to comfort and sustain you. Ophis is clearly, not for you and I wish you well on your journey!
Still here? Good, because you can't possibly realize it yet, but each and everyone of you is going to be an integral part of making life better for millions of deserving people, marginalized and left behind through no fault of their own except by virtue of the fact of where they happened to be born or arrive into a family they had no conscious choice of. Ophis will be a new vehicle for prosperity for these people, and just as importantly, a vehicle for wealth for those that help make it happen. That can include you, and your loved ones!
All it's going to take is a single act of kindness made for the benefit of some of the most deserving people on the planet. An act of kindness motivated by nothing more than a deep conviction that:
"If you continue to do the right things, for the right reasons, regardless of personal consequence or sacrifice; then at the right time, and in the right place, the right thing will happen to you too!"
You can reverse right for wrong and lie to or fool almost anybody, if you're skilled enough at deception. But you can never, ever, lie to yourself. Living in a state of denial is still living a life that is a lie. Every day we wake up, open our eyes and take that first deep breath; we are given a new opportunity to be just a little less self absorbed for that day.
Each new day is a fresh opportunity to look for an opportunity to make a positive difference in someone's life that day. A simple smile, a word of encouragement, paying for the person behind you when you buy your morning coffee. Small acts of Kindness like this take nothing or little from you but they can have a huge impact on the recipient of your simple act of kindness.
Perhaps tonight, when you lay your head down, you can go to sleep happy in the knowledge that you made a positive difference that day. Feeling good about yourself sets the conditions and forges the mindset for success, it's nothing more than a choice we make, choose wisely.
I know this is true because it's how I live my life today, every day. I wish I could claim I was always like this, but that would be a lie. First, I had to open my eyes and deprogram myself. It took some effort and about a decade of my life. It's behind me now and I don't live in the past, Nothing worth achieving happens by laying in bed and dreaming about it, you have to put the work in. Some can, the majority can not,
I have no time for living a life tarnished by regret or blame. Neither of these serves any useful purpose in the present, and it serves no useful purpose for your present either. Both of them will be completely absent from the future you can create through the Ophis Ecosystem. So I hope you'll join me in an operation of kindness and wealth building. The first project of its kind.
Ophis is not a political statement or movement, not a cult or a disguised woke agenda, It's merely a vehicle for financial success and positive change. Ophis didn't happen by accident, it is a programmed event for this particular juncture of our existence, an opportunity to disrupt and address elitist control (however you define elitist control). Ophis is not an opportunity to buck the system but a tool to play the game according to their rules, just better. It's the American way!
We had no obligation certainly no need, to share Ophis with anyone. Ophis could provide myself and our development team with as much financial success as we could possibly desire. Ophis is a virtual AI driven ATM that has, no withdrawal limit and never needs replenishing (Sounds a lot like the Federal Reserve when you think about it). Instead, Ophis can help restore some semblance of common sense and logic. Ophis can help to restore fairness, expand opportunities and close the wealth divide for millions of honest hard working people who never seem to get ahead. Those of you who pay close attention, will get it right away.
As the world's financial infrastructure migrates to the blockchain, tens of millions of servers will drone out the death knell for banks as we know them today. Those that don't adapt (And many are not adapting quickly enough), will cease to exist. This transformation which essentially, is going to be more of an integration than an adoption of one technology over another, is already taking place, it will be completed in just a few short years.
All kinds of politically biased mainstream media, similarly biased social media platforms, "celebrities" and pseudo-celebrity influencers, topped off by masses of alternative media sources, and a growing army of YouTube Cryptocurrency Vloggers; have all emerged to sell the Bitcoin dream, many of them victims of the predictive programming they profess to understand, beamed at all of us directly, from the blue screen of brain death.
The reality is that the Bitcoin opportunity boat has sailed. Bitcoin has left the port and is currently riding the oceanic type turbulent waves of manipulation aka volatility. Left behind in its wake are almost 99% of the global population. Quite simply stated, the cost of entry is just way too high. Cryptocurrency in general is still so far off from mass adoption, even citizens of the supposedly educated west are yet to understand, let alone purchase cryptocurrency. 1.6 Billion people that share this planet with us don't even have access to a bank account, and now they are supposed to navigate this?
The illusion that de-fi blockchains are here to stay and Bitcoins label as the new digital gold is true just because it's the OG of crypto, is just another illusion and both are fabricated lies, disguised in half truths. Just because a mass of people say something is so, does not make it so, we have to apply logic, common sense, critical thinking and reason. We have to examine the evidence that lies beneath the surface of media disinformation. It's advantageous when good people are still capable of thinking like the deviants and their criminal enterprises that seek to control everything.
Bitcoin is simply unchallenged, manipulated by the wealthy, institutions and now governments. Bitcoin is well on its way to the distinction of not only being first decentralized currency but also the first global cyber scam and biggest rug pull of all time, when the new world order dominated by Government regulated centralized exchanges and CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies) implement their coup d'etat, many Bitcoin holders may find themselves with a pile of digital nothing. Possible if not probable? I think so, what about you?
It's precisely because we are so much better than this that Ophis will still be able to thrive in a hostile environment. Ophis is a people driven project, promoted by ordinary people for the benefit of ordinary people. Ophis will be a model example in transparency and fairness, no one person will be able to gain a financial advantage over anybody else, no institution or multi-billionaire can dominate Ophis the way they currently dominate Bitcoin. Ophis is designed to mitigate and then eliminate Blockchain scams of any type from any source.
In part two, I begin to tell you how Ophis came to be. It requires me to reveal aspects of my life that are very personal in nature and I had to honestly find myself in a permanent state of mind, where I am immune to criticism born of ignorance. I had to condition myself to be 100 % willing to be belittled, marginalized, cancelled, or anything else that could possibly be a negative consequence of stepping forward, speaking out and most importantly offering a solution for the silent majority, wherever they may be.
As incredible as this story is you have my word, hand on damaged heart, that every single word of it is true. 99% of it is verifiable and I will not say anything that I couldn't prove in a court of law beyond a shadow of a doubt let alone on a preponderance of the evidence. Some of the Ophis story will sound, read or view as though it was straight out of the imagination of some Hollywood producer or a story from the mind of an Orwell, or an L. Ron Hubbard. But its not, it's just a string of events that took place over a period of 14 years, that connected..
"The right people, doing the right things, in the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons."
This is the story of the journey of Ophis, it's your story too.,